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PowerColor RX 6600 NON XT - Share setting

Hello Guy.

I share my OC

Post your setting too :slight_smile:
Best regards & Happy new year :smiley:

lower core frequency and all the voltages as low as they will go til it lowers your hashrate, should be able to shave another 5-10w off

do you have screen with stats please?

Hey, I have 6 pieces Powercolor Rx 6600 non-XT, on the same rig with 5 pieces RTX3070. The Nvidias and the AMD-s have to mine to different wallets, so I am using T-rex and Team red miner for easiest way of splitting the different cards, and for some reason, no matter what OC settings I put for the AMD-s, it doesn’t change the speed or the power or anything. Any Ideas?

Are the ocs you’re setting in the acceptable range for that card?

Try to bring the core down to 901
650/650/MVDD 1100 and 950 mem. If it will crash for any reason bring the mem down to 940. You will see the same Mh/s as you’re getting now but you will cut about 20w from this card. I have like 20 cards now and so far so good :wink:

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