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Pool value always 0.0000

Hello i setup my first rig now,
and the pool value is alwys 0.0000 i send the log, what i doing wrong?

[2021-09-20 06:54:14] ^[[34;1mGPU 0 [48C, fan 48%] ethash: 43.46kh/s, avg 34.69kh/s, pool 0.000 h/s a:0 r:0 hw:0^[[0m
[2021-09-20 06:54:14] ^[[34;1mTotal ethash: 43.46kh/s, avg 34.69kh/s, pool 0.000 h/s a:0 r:0 hw:0^[[0m

@useran22 not sure where you’re getting the pool hash rate from, but what ever is reported in Hiveon (Real time hashrate) is what you are getting received by the pool. if 0.00 then ping the pool make sure it is up otherwise try different server, then continue to troubleshoot closest server