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Pending ETH between Flights

I am new to mining and have only been up and running at full capacity for 2 days. I was able to mine yesterday. I was playing around with my overclocking and shut down my miner. I was able to get it back up running but the pending ETH percentage reset. I was at a 3% to payout. I understand the payout minimums and schedules. My question is does that reset every session I have, does it disappear? Where does the pending ETH go that is below the payout level?

I am HiveOS
12 Miner RIG all AMD 6600 and 6600 XT
Pool TeamRedMiner
Wallet is in Coinbase

Any input is welcome.

Did you change your wallet address? Pending balance is per address, so if you change mid way through you won’t get paid out. Change back to the original address and your pending balance will show.

I think I did early on. But I will try. I think I might have lost it because it was a coinbase everchanging address for the wallet. So I think i might have lost it. So if I keep it the same regardless of if the machine goes up or down as long as it connects to the same wallet it should carry over?

yeah pending balance is tied to the wallet address, nothing else. coinbase should list all your previous addresses somewhere if you dig enough, they will also continue to work when coinbase gives you a new address too.

Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. Looks like I am in good shape I found the old wallet and will get that balance fixed someday. My main concern was that the rig would fail and then I would lose the pending amount. My rig flipped one of my fuses and I reset the rig and started back up and the pending is still there. Thank you for the information about the wallet proces.


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