I bought 2 Octominers off of PCSP. I am having a problem with some of the cards not loading the vram on my dash board. the cards that don’t load the memory also wont mine. Its random which cars load and witch don’t. i have tried swapping cards and switching the position of the cards and nothing is consistent. Most times its just 2 cards but i have had up to 4 cards not load. I am at a loss and could use some help. I will post pics of my dash board.
for polaris cards id recomend going to the previous stable image based on kernel 5.15 #110, you can find this is the hive-replace --list
Thank you for your response. I tried what you said and actually got it to work. It actually made it worse. As you can see in the pic i only
have one card working now. I am wondering if anyone has any other ideas
Are you sure they will all run 2000mhz on the mem? You may need to add one card at a time and see if theres a problem card.
First i would try lowering OC and see if it helps