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OS forgetting WiFi settings after every hard reboot

As the title states I’m trying to get my rig to connect to WiFi, thats all fine and dandy. I’m using the built in wlan adapter on the motherboard so no usb dongle here. On first boot I found the network access point I wanted to connect to and connected just fine, sof reboot and it reconnected. I did a power cycle and thats when it seemed like the rig just forgot everything and I have to manually reconnect every time.
This is really frustrating when the mining rig doesn’t have I display output, I have to temporarily add another GPU with display output.

Is there any reason why this happens, I checked the local files and the SSID and password are saved however it won’t automatically connect on boot?

What image/kernel are you on? If you havent tried the latest stable or beta image, they improve wifi some.

5.15.0-hiveos #110 and 0.6-229@250105, so everything is up to date.

Try flashing the latest stable image, 5.15 is a few kernels back hive-replace -s -y

I did what you said and its still acting up. Windows and Linux Mint has no issues connecting to the network and has a strong connection, HiveOS however refuses to cooperate. This is all I get, is there a driver issue?

which image/kernel are you on?

if you reboot after setting the wifi credentials does it connect at all?

It does not connect after reboot.

what kernel?

Also why won’t this version let me downgrade nvidia driver update? HiveOS has a mental breakdown when I try to install the 525.116.04 driver. Only way I’m able to change nvidia driver is to replace the entire HiveOS version.

6.6.0-hiveos #60

Ironic, but just now it managed to connect after reboot for the first time after countless attempts. Now I just have to test if it manages to connect after a full power cycle.

if you have trouble i would enable maintenance mode without loading drivers first, then reboot and downgrade the driver if you wish

It ended up working, no ide what caused it to suddenly start working but thank you anyways.