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OC settings for AMD RX580

could you share it with us plz

Thanks Dieter,
It’s not really 63 W (That informs the HiveOs) but on the wall, with a wattmeter getting around 130 W each. If you get high watts, try lowering VDD / VDDCI.

Can that be done without flashing the bios?

OC settings for samsung bios , its work for me and any suggestion Gtx 1650
super OC settings ?



Hi can any one help me? I have two XFX rx 580 and have moded bios with PBE. my overclocks settings is like the image. but my problem is that can’t get stable hashrate and receive too many invalid share during day. what should i do?


Core 1200 vdd 900 mem at 2100 , beggining from this values…

Hey I modded bios for at 5700XT and a 580 today. Only difference is instead of RedBios Editor, you use Polaris Bios Editor for the 580, and for the tool to flash I used ATIFlash.
But Basic Process for the 580s is:

  1. Download GPUz and ATIFlash from, and Polaris bios editor from:
    Releases · IndeedMiners/PolarisBiosEditor · GitHub
  2. Use GPUz to save your bios
  3. Run Polaris Bios Editor and Load the bios you just saved
  4. Click “One click timing patch” button, then save that file with a “modded” name. (this does the bios mod for you with one button)
  5. Use ATIflash to flash the “modded” bios then reboot.

Have flashed two of the 580s now, last one just did 8 days uptime with 100% accepted at 32.24 hash rate before I moved. So I used same setting on the Micron I bought today and similar results.

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My results - moded

Followed the instructions, all working great

big thanks to everyone who contributed to this post :slight_smile:


With bios Mod Bro ?

i dont know, i bought cards with mod

A switch is blow 8pin port. I cant speak english very good sorry

Hi all looking for advice on OC the below cards. Everything I’ve tried causes the system to go unstable.

hi,I have same problem.could you share your rom for rx580 elpida memory?

How do I do that buddy?

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this is my mail: [email protected]
and telegram ID: @milad_ne
tnx bro

Прошивка bios AMD - #2232 by BiosEditor more help

maybe this will help someone :slight_smile:


Hi Do you get any solution. Do you have the stock bios, iam need it for mod.