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Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti ETH Performance [ALL Versions Topic]

Additional arguments does’t help. Miner restarts all the same.

So, I rolled back to the previous version TREX 0.20.0. Seems that hashrate and stability is better than in new version.

i think validshare is buggy

try last version:

–validate-shares false
“validate-shares”: false

Thanks, I will test and write the results.

So, After all manipulation with arguments I have the following:

But, I think if GPU temps are close to 60 degrees, rig go crazy with miner, stats, GPU lost etc…

Hiveos . Trex miner . last ver. syntax error.
2 format
–validate-shares false
“validate-shares”: false

Hey DediZones, i got 6x3060 (non Ti) cards i got my hands on, and can you please share some thoughts on how to setup the config
currently i am on T-rex and running stable without issues at 26.47mh per card
my settings:
Mem: 2550
PL: 125
fan at 55 runing at 55-57 temp, no issues
Basically, i would like to know if i am running efficent, i dont mind to lose some MH, if i have to, in order to keep the system running for a longer period of time.
Thank you in advance for your help!

hé loooo

"worker": "%WORKER_NAME%"
"gpu-init-mode": 1
"dag-build-mode": 2
"validate-shares": true

sorry but, where are those setting…rig.conf file? not that experienced, still learning :slight_smile:
my settings that i posted are good

Thanks again

In hiveOS => WORKER => Flight Sheet and edit template miner

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that was underlined with red…but anyway i applied the settings! Again, thanks a lot, really :slight_smile:
sorry final question, the rest of the settings for the cards are good?

Has anyone tried using Gminer with the 3060ti or 3070 cards? Curious if there are any OC results out there

after applying the flight sheet settings, i got few invalid shares…dont know why
i reverted back to original, and will monitor

--safe_dag 2


update hiveos,driver and more and use lastest trex 20.0.3

check your OC and network.

Stale or badshare = poor network or hight OC

Check best pool with Sonar | minerstat or GitHub - 2miners/stratum-ping: The Stratum-based mining pool performance test tool.

Is --safe_dag 2 an extra miner config? I have not gotten into all the miner configs yet, just using whatever comes stock on the miners

yes: check read me 0bin - encrypted pastebin

Trex is up to date, network is good and stable.
once i removed the settings, its running stable, no stale or bad shares.
i posted my OC settings, and again, dont know if i am doing it right, but if HiveOS is reporting the temps accurately, its running OK, no high temp and so on…and i think i am squeezing the max out of the cards at this moment…
But again, i always doubt myself, maybe i am doing something wrong…maybe i can run more efficient, or maybe thats it!
Time will tell, i will leave it as is.
And again, once i removed your settings, its running OK so far!


yes new update hiveOS is buggy for me i have many crash ! i rollback no crash

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With new version of T-REX (0.20.3) I have error:
TREX: Can’t find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], cuda exception in [synchronize, 52], CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS, try to reduce overclock to stabilize GPU state

I know this means that I need to decrease the overclocking, but with these settings everything was fine in the old version of the miner.