I would like to know how HiveOS names Nvidia GPUs, because PCI ID says one thing and HiveOS shows another. In this context I’m taking about the CMP 100-210, they come in to variants: “Tesla V100-PCIE-12GB” (10DE 1DF4) and “CMP 100-210” (10DE 1D84). In the PCI ID list they both show up as GV100 [CMP 100-210]. So how does HiveOS decide what to name a GPU, is it the driver? Vbios perhaps?
I have created a custom rule in etc/udev/rules.d/ to try any override HiveOS gpu naming scheme so that both cards can be showed correctly as “CMP 100-210”, but I can’t get it to work. All I want is for HiveOS to stop showing the CMP 100-210 as something else.
Odd topic but its driving my head in.