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Nvidia 3060 non LHR detected as LHR

Hi everyone,

I’m using GTX 3060 non lhr (device id 2503) attached in PCI 16x port with motherboard ASUS P8H61-M LX R2.0. Actually it only could mining ETH 35-36 MHs. I’ve choose present with the top cardinality value. But it won’t help to boosting the MHs.

Is there anyone have a solution for this problem?

all 3060s are eth limitied. using lolminer with a v1 3060 and 460.39 driver you can get ~40mh/s.

theres also the fan glitch in hive, but its not very reliable

or you can use windows and the dev driver + all the requirements it has and get ~50mh.

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