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Notifications for HiveOS Rigs?

Telegram HiveOS Notifications System was working very well one year ago.
But Telegram HiveOS Notifications System hasnt been workin well for one year.
Everbody complains about it. It really sends notifications so late.
We dont have any idea how to fix.

Is it possible to preapre a guide to fix it ?
Is it possible to make a new notification system insde HiveOS app ?
or is there any other notification system ?

Yes, I need Notifications to work, I have random rigs that go offline with now reason given for the outage in Hive, the RIG is just offline, but physically on, running fans, and talking to the internet, hence I walk by and check the rigs in the room, it appears to be working, but later when I check my dashboard, I see a rig that’s been offline for HOURS with no reason given for the crash. This SUCKS because it really sucks, I have to hover over the Hive dashboard constantly … soon as I get busy with other life shit and don’t look, a rig will have been offline for hours or a day… SUPER annoying, please help. Telegram notifications are not able to be set up, I get no code to proceed with… HIVE YOU must do Better!

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Connect a monitor and see if the rig froze, I’ve been having that problem as well.

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