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Not able to mine ravencoin card 1050 Ti

Hallo All,

I am trying to mine Ravencoin and I tried everything, however, I have no luck so far.

I am getting Power limit 0 for card.

I downgrade and upgraded HiveOS and Nvidia driver. Furthermore, I run new hiveOS image.

Can someone help me? or share your setting for 1050 Ti card.

Info about MB, GK and miner in the screenshot.

You are overclocking it wrong.
I have a 1050Ti mining RVN and my OC is:

Core Clock Offset: 250
Memory Clock: 1600
Power Limit: 70

And I get about 7Mh/s with those without problems.




Estou usando
Core Clock Offset: 250
Memory Clock: 1755
Power Limit: 75
FAM: 66

Está fazendo 7.300MH/s

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