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No "t-rex-0.25.8" found in "hive-miners-*" packages (for PXE image integration)

@HaloGenius @hiveon

I’m trying to do the thing that it says with hpkg where it says:

install miners - install all available miners, useful for preparing PXE image

and when I run that and then list all of the available miners, t-rex-0.25.8 isn’t listed.

As a result, when my diskless PXE rig boots up, it has to go and grab it manually, separately, despite the fact that the package IS available on

On my diskless PXE rig, if I type in hpkg list miners, hive-miners-t-rex-0.25.8/unknown,unknown,now 0.6-01 amd64 [installed] is listed. (See screenshot below.)

But when I extract the hiveramfs.tar.xz archive into tmp/root (as shown in the script), and chroot to it, run hpkg install miners, and then run hpkg list miners, hive-miners-t-rex-0.25.8 does NOT show up in the list.

Would you guys mind taking a look at why this is happening (and how I can fix it)?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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