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No signal when after boot

As I am fairly new ive come upon this problem where I boot up my mining rig and everything goes well, I see the HiveOS boot screen with the options but when it loads the actual thing it gives me no signal and doesn’t boot my components( however my mining rig parts are on). My mobo is a Asus prime B560M-A, ive tried all the solutions ever posted but they dont seem to work. could it be that it doesnt have 4G decoding? or something else? Ive wiped the drive clean and reinstalled HiveOS but come to my disappointment it doesnt work and im left with the same problem.
the other parts are Intel I5 10400, 1 RTX 3060ti, psu is a RM750 corsair, 16GB of ram and a 240GB Kingston Sata

Do you have the rig.conf on the root of the drive? Does it show online on your hive dashboard?

Are you using a display output of a gpu for your monitor?

when I turn the rig on it says the uptime but dont see the Online, and im using the mobo display as I have tried using the gpu display port but it gave me no signal, and yes ive went through 7 videos explaining how to put rig.conf and it is on there

Can you post a screenshot of where you see uptime?

yea sure, this is in my other laptop showing it because I cant see it on my main monitor

Ah, so it’s online and mining fine

yes however on my mining rig monitor it doesnt show anything with any infos, as I need that for consent updates. My laptop that im seeing the info now is super slow and cant use it alot, so thats where my problem is, that my main monitor rig isnt showing any signal beyond the HiveOS blue boot screen

Hola, conv arios GPU Como puedo saber de que GPU sale el video? se puede configurar de la bios?

The only thing you can do in your BIOS is set it to use the on board graphics or the external graphics. From my experience, you can plug a cable into any card on the rig and it will output display. If not, then just plug it into each one, one by one, and see which one it is outputting on.

Claro, eso es lo que hacia, pero aveces se cambia de salida de la gpu y al tener 8 gpu tengo que ir probando siempre una por una, queria saber si se podia saber de cual sale. Si elijo que salga el video de la salida onboard no habria problema no? sabes de donde se puede configurar eso? gracias

If your CPU supports on board graphics, you should be able to just connect the monitor to the motherboard, as long as the setting in your BIOS is set to on board graphics. Every BIOS is different so you will have to look through it and find the setting.

Yea I have a display it’s just the part that boots after the blue hiveOS screen it goes and says “no signal” and then my monitor boots into savings mode, I’ve tried switching it from the cpu to the gpu and all that however I’m getting the same results of it not booting past the hiveOS screen

Did you find a solution for this problem yet ?

Sadly I have not found a solution yet however ill stick with my idea that because the motherboard doesn’t have 4G decoding it can boot past the HiveOS blue Screen

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