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New weird Error on RX 580 8GB

Hello everyone,

I have two 5600 XT And one RX 580 and they were mining since two years on the same set up without upgrading the system or the miner. I encountered a problem in which, after setting the watch dogs, my leg was still fail to initiate automatically because it was not mining and every time I need to do a manual restart and the rig is good for a few hours.

I thought it’s an update problem and I upgraded the Hive OS to the latest version since then I am encountering this error, you can see in the screenshot.

I have tried different miners and all failed to initiate with some different errors respectively. I am using teamredminer since a long time And since nothing else had worked I’m still using this miner. I downgraded to many miner versions but the error is still the same. Currently testing on a 0.9.2

The coin I am mining is RVN. I don’t have the exact error log with me, but I will share in a few minutes under this post.

You can try installing some older amd drivers via amd-ocl-install 20.40 or flash an older stable image with the older drivers installed hive-replace --list then choose the one that says kernel 5.15 #110


The driver you suggested, whether upgrading or downgrading, didn’t resolve the issue. However, downgrading Hive OS worked perfectly. it’s mining now. Thanks for your help!

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This is the first time my rig is working since several days continuously without any problems or restart. You’re the expert, thank you for suggesting me the super stable hiveos version!

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Glad to hear

=== Last 50 lines of /var/log/miner/teamredminer/teamredminer.log ===
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] GPU 2 [44C, fan 69%] kawpow: 17.42Mh/s, avg 19.27Mh/s, pool 21.77Mh/s a:73 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] Total kawpow: 45.77Mh/s, avg 49.40Mh/s, pool 51.60Mh/s a:173 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] ----------------------------------------- Pool Status ------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] kawpow: 44.18Mh/s, avg 48.41Mh/s, pool 51.60Mh/s a:173 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] kawpow: 0.000 h/s, avg 638.2 h/s, pool 0.000 h/s a:0 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:19] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:48] Pool received new job. (job_id: e2de, diff 1.000 / 4295 MH)
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] Mining kawpow with 3 GPU workers
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] GPU PCIe CUs CoreMHz SocMHz MemMHz TEdge TJct TMem FanPct FanRpm VDDC Power Prog Cfg
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] 0 03:00.0 36 0 0 900 46C 66C 80C 69.41% 2193 712 mV 72 W B552
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] 1 05:00.0 36 1145 0 2000 79C 106C 0C 94.51% 2702 1062 mV 146 W A576
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] 2 08:00.0 36 0 0 900 43C 48C 68C 69.41% 2200 712 mV 74 W B552
[2025-01-16 13:07:49]
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] Stats Uptime: 0 days, 04:00:33
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] ----------------------------------------- GPU Status -------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] GPU 0 [46C, fan 69%] kawpow: 17.23Mh/s, avg 19.08Mh/s, pool 17.56Mh/s a:59 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] GPU 1 [79C, fan 94%] kawpow: 11.12Mh/s, avg 11.05Mh/s, pool 12.20Mh/s a:41 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] GPU 2 [43C, fan 69%] kawpow: 17.42Mh/s, avg 19.27Mh/s, pool 21.73Mh/s a:73 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] Total kawpow: 45.77Mh/s, avg 49.39Mh/s, pool 51.49Mh/s a:173 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] ----------------------------------------- Pool Status ------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] kawpow: 46.33Mh/s, avg 48.40Mh/s, pool 51.49Mh/s a:173 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] kawpow: 0.000 h/s, avg 636.9 h/s, pool 0.000 h/s a:0 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:07:49] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:07:51] Pool received new job epoch 490 (variant kawpow), cache built in 3.7 secs.
[2025-01-16 13:07:51] GPU 0 Starting DAG generation for epoch 490, 4.83 GB (single buffer mode).
[2025-01-16 13:07:51] GPU 2 Starting DAG generation for epoch 490, 4.83 GB (single buffer mode).
[2025-01-16 13:07:51] GPU 1 Starting DAG generation for epoch 490, 4.83 GB (single buffer mode).
[2025-01-16 13:08:09] GPU 2 DAG generation finished in 18.085 seconds.
[2025-01-16 13:08:13] Pool share accepted. (GPU2) (a:174 r:0) (101 ms) (diff 472.16 GH)
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] Mining kawpow with 3 GPU workers
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] GPU PCIe CUs CoreMHz SocMHz MemMHz TEdge TJct TMem FanPct FanRpm VDDC Power Prog Cfg
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] 0 03:00.0 36 0 1085 900 39C 47C 52C 69.41% 2206 725 mV 27 W B552
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] 1 05:00.0 36 1145 0 2000 64C 79C 0C 94.51% 2743 1062 mV 93 W A576
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] 2 08:00.0 36 0 0 900 44C 48C 70C 69.41% 2203 712 mV 80 W B552
[2025-01-16 13:08:19]
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] Stats Uptime: 0 days, 04:01:03
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] ----------------------------------------- GPU Status -------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] GPU 0 [39C, fan 69%] kawpow: 17.21Mh/s, avg 19.04Mh/s, pool 17.52Mh/s a:59 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] GPU 1 [64C, fan 94%] kawpow: 11.11Mh/s, avg 11.03Mh/s, pool 12.18Mh/s a:41 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] GPU 2 [44C, fan 69%] kawpow: 8.078Mh/s, avg 19.24Mh/s, pool 21.98Mh/s a:74 r:0 hw:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] Total kawpow: 36.40Mh/s, avg 49.31Mh/s, pool 51.68Mh/s a:174 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] ----------------------------------------- Pool Status ------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] kawpow: 11.35Mh/s, avg 48.33Mh/s, pool 51.68Mh/s a:174 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] kawpow: 0.000 h/s, avg 635.6 h/s, pool 0.000 h/s a:0 r:0
[2025-01-16 13:08:19] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-16 13:08:20] GPU 0: detected DEAD (03:00.0), will execute restart script
[2025-01-16 13:08:20] Watchdog script executor thread executing script ‘’
[2025-01-16 13:08:20] GPU 1 DAG generation finished in 28.904 seconds.

[2025-01-15 17:52:18] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:52:22] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:52:22] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:52:51] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:52:51] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:52:55] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:52:58] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:52:58] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:53:27] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:53:27] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:53:31] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:53:34] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:53:34] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:54:03] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:54:03] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:54:07] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:54:10] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:54:10] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:54:39] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:54:39] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:54:43] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:54:46] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:54:46] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:55:15] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:55:15] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:55:19] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

Miner: teamredminer
Version: 0.9.2

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:55:21] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:55:21] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:55:51] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:55:51] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:55:55] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:55:58] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:55:58] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:56:27] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:56:27] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:56:31] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:56:34] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:56:34] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1
[2025-01-15 17:57:03] Failed to initialize device idx 0 (-14)
[2025-01-15 17:57:03] Successful clean shutdown.
[2025-01-15 17:57:07] Watchdog script executor thread exiting.

teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

      Team Red Miner version 0.9.2

[2025-01-15 17:57:10] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 0
[2025-01-15 17:57:10] Auto-detected AMD OpenCL platform 1

Miner screen is running

When this happens a miner does not work automatically and it always require a manual restart can we find a reason to that?

Whenever you get a crash like this, its usually due to too aggressive OC/voltage

I’m not a voltage expert and I don’t know what to modify but I will give it a try modifying.

What settings are you running now?

What did you downgrade to? I’m having same problem. 4 580s and a 480 won’t work after updating.

see comment above in this thread: New weird Error on RX 580 8GB - #2 by keaton_hiveon

Thanks. I did that. Now no dead gpu but showing amd oc failed and won’t start. Just upgraded all the way to newest and it picked up all my cards. Last version I was on was like 206 I think.

post some screenshots of your config and miner log

1 Like

miner stopped and cant get shell.

when it is showing offline you wont be able to do anything, check the rig and make sure its online/not crashed

So I downgraded right before that pic and it won’t start now. I have a wifi adapter and I’m thinking when it downgraded it cleared the wifi i set up. I’m gonna mess with it again later today.

so thats why i was offline because that update erased wifi. i reset it and went back online with 6 gpus. Then plugged in the last 2 and wont mine. So ill do them 1 by 1 and see.

try flashing the older image with the older kernel/driver(no need to touch driver after hive-replace) instead of just the driver

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Got it up. So far fo good. Thanks for the help. So now that its running can i run logs and if it crashes it will show me what happened?