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New to Hiveos, Rig crashes after some time. Help

I’ve never used Hiveos before but i’m not new to mining. I installed Hiveos onto a SSD. The rig runs fine but will black screen after a while (3-6 hours). The rig disconnects from the Hive web portal and shows as “offline” and when i check the rig, the screen is unresponsive with no output. The rig has all the fans running at correct speed (based on sound) and there are no error lights on the mobo. I’m new to Hive so i’m not really sure how to go about troubleshooting this.

Specs: ryzen 1700, 6 x rx580, Corsair HX1000i, SSD, 8GB ram, NBminer.

overclocks are generally what i consider safe defaults. core:1150, VDD: 900mV, mem: 2090

Temps are between 50-60.

If you can offer any tips as to how i troubleshoot this, that would be greatly appreciated.

You can use core 1150 VDD 850 MEM 2060-2080 (i think your cards have samsung mems?)
Post a foto inside your farm with OC settings o help u out more…

Here’s a picture of some output it gave me. The rig is frozen in this picture. Any ideas?

Post a foto inside your farm with OC settings o help u out more…

There’s only 4 cards running right now because I’m cycling them out checking for the 20th time if it’s a riser problem. I started at 800 mV and have slowly gone up to try to improve stability. Currently at 930 on each card and I’m still having the problem.

*Before applying this settings stop your miner…

Core at 1150 and vdd 850 - mem for samsung at 2070…
Core at 1150 and vdd 850 - mem for hynix and micron at 2100
Check this settings …
Also use amdmemtweak and Aggresive undervolting…
Put your fan speed at 80%

These settings made my cards run at a great MH but it didn’t fix the crashing. There is also instability in windows, so i guess it’s a hardware issue but i don’t understand because i’ve tested every component individually.

Look the error message … (detected hard LOCKUP on cpu 10 and 2 … search on those the problem) replace risers+check the cables+check connectivity …

I searched the topic but everyone was getting different problems and most weren’t using hiveos. I ordered new risers and they’re on their way. Maybe that will fix it. thanks.

I was having this same issue after recently upgrading to /211211 build of HiveOS…Tried absolutely everything, removing cards, severely lowering previously working (for many weeks) overclocks, new USB wifi adapter, new risers, I mean…i tried anything and everything…No matter what it would just stop mining and go offline after 40 min to 2 hours or so, fans on, Watchdog would not trigger the Reboot like it used to…a real Pain in the Ahole…

Problem Solved: Downgraded HiveOS to previous version and no issue now.

just downgraded we’ll see if it helps. What cards and miner are you runing?

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