If only I can upload how many times I wanted to throw mouse in monitor because Teleconsole showed me:
Exec failed, exitcode=1
Why this happens so often:
I start Teleconsole… do something… and then just close Tab in Firefox.
After some time…I want to do something more through console.
I click start and web site gives me error.
And it shows me error because console is already running.
But I forget about it, like I said: “after some time”
Then I have to click Stop
And then Start.
But next time I forget that console is already running and same sh** happens.
Can Admin change command from:
telec start
telec stop && telec start
- no more messages: Teleconsole session already running
- only one Teleconsole instance is allowed
- it will give you Restart possibility in 1 click (now it’s 2 clicks: stop+start)
- I will calm my nerves
tnx and happy mining