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New Account and Wallet, Flight Sheet Problem

Okay hello everyone! I had a problem and sure it was my fault but I just couldn’t get a working resolution! I put my rig USB in slot and powered up and rig was seen inside HiveOS! First step was to create the wallet! I created wallet and seemed to work and show up! Then Created the worker! The wallet I had just created was not for this worker! I couldn’t do anything with this worker because system told me I had to create flight sheet! But when I went to create Flight sheet system told me I needed a wallet with the worker before I could create flight sheet! There was not option to create wallet for worker no option! I couldn’t bind the wallet I had already created with this worker and now I was in a real pickle! Couldn’t create wallet and couldn’t create Flight Sheet? What did I do wrong here? I am going through Unmineable? and nothing I tried worked so I brought disc back home tonight and redid image and now I want to resetup this system! Input from anyone would be greatly appreciated!

can you post a screenshot of your error when you get it?

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