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Need help with RX 580 8GB Sapphire

you can do it on windows too but you need ati bios flasher i think it was. anyways.
in hiveOS. you select the rig, select the worker and go to overclocking tab.
click on download Vbios and the command will be sent to the rig. once ready click on the command and save the file on your windows PC. Download polaris bios editor, open the file with it and click on the one click patcher. save teh file with different name. you need to keep the stock bios, so save with different name the modded one.
after that you stop all mining. go to the same menu and after you are sure that you stopped all mining, click flash bios, select the modded file, select the RIGHT card ( the one that you downloaded the stock bios from ) and upload.
and then restart rig and test.

I have rx 580
And I am using these settings overclocks

Core : 1165
Vdd : 840,850
Mem : 2165
Having about 30 mh
Once I change them the temp gets high

Its not bios modded right?

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