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Need help setting up a miner to mine Vollar(V-dimension)

So I read Vollar is a great coin to mine with LHR gpus (5x 3060 Ti LHR). I have already set up my wallet and HiveOS even has support for Vollar except that the only supported mining pool went down like a month ago. There is still one left, the website is only in chinese which isnt really a problem but inconvinient. The coin uses Equihash + Scrypt algorithm. Frankly I dont even know what that means. The website suggests using either T-rex miner or NT miner( 帮助教程详情 - 独角兽矿池 (, however i dont know how i should set them to mine Vollar. I found an article about GMiner vollar integration, but i cant figure that out either. I would really appreciate some help configuring a miner to start mining Vollar.

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Did you use KBminer? There is a description on sites such as minerstat

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