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NEED help | Miner OFFLINE

I have used this settings for ~1 year without any problem.
Yesterday i see the miner offline, and i try to start the rig again, without succes.
I do shutdown (manually), restart (manually), try to update and all settings, without any succes.
Can you please help me with that issue?
I see the “Offline” status near the GTX1660S and i don’t know why.

Have you plugged in a monitor to see what its doing? It’s also worth reflashing your hive image as yours is pretty far out of date anyway. Reflashing Will rule out any software issues pretty quickly.

You must make normal PC trubleshooting, check if all parts work alone, it can be dead motherboard, powersupply, ram, cpu, anything. PC parts die from time to time and if rig dont post out of sudden it is propably some hardware isue. Plug in monitor and try to start only MB alone ad se if you can getoto bios. In not listen to posting codes (beeps from MB speaker) and check if it isnt signalizing any hardware problems. Newer MB offtnen have marked diodes wich will light up if something is wrong during strtup.

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