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Need an original bios for MSI RX 580 Armor 8G OC


I need your help: I just purchased a used rig with 6x MSI RX 580 armor, but without the original bioses. I have 4 cards with Hynx memory (all ok) and 2 cards with samsung memory. The samsungs made me stale shares many times (50%). I downloaded many bioses from powertech, but somehow with stock bios I also have stale shares.

Is it a bios failure or a riser / cable problem? Interesting that all cards had the same bioses (MSITV341MH.652), but the hynx ones running without problem, the samsungs made mistakes.

So please send me an original bios.

Here’s a picture about the cards: with the white cooler.

Thank you in advance!

tengo la misma placa, estoy intentando cambiarle la bios porque no logro pasar los 21 Ms/s

te subi el archivo al onedrive!Amm7MJLFuKbsh_IH4fEgvy_0H9SS1w?e=vfIwsN


Hi @davidseraph I wish that you are fine, could you please re-upload the bios so that many of us can download it plz.
Happy mining

I have the same card with samsung DDR5

I put it here :slight_smile:

Let me know if you tweak it, my card is a little slow (28 mhs on eth) :wink:
by the way, i read a lot of your post, thank you for all your work and share !

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