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My rig got hacked in hiveos

Hi i was at travel and when i came back i saw my rig did not found shares in 5 days but the rig was online in hiveos and mining so i searched and found this!!!

the pool adress is changed some how im mining in hiveos pool but it looks like it is being stealed!!! i steel am working on how to change it because i dont have phisical acces!
please hiveos check this out!!!

im getting this error in the begining of mining
Pool login failed. Error code: -32602 - login should be valid hex address (212 ms)

do a fresh install + revoke access on any unfamiliar sessions Sign in to Hiveon ID
make sure to change your default system password as the default is “1”

yeah fixed it but it feels so bad that some one can do this in hiveos!!

Been seeing several people mentioning similar issues. Seems to be a growing problem. If hive can’t figure how they are getting in, maybe sending an alert whenever the wallet doesn’t match with the flightsheet (it is done on the os side, not through hive).

Just saw this today


just keep monitoring and checking everything everyday