If anybody can help me how got video again
please post here
cant get video bur all fine data about gpu on hiveos
look amd-info image this image is from video on-board
If anybody can help me how got video again
Is the display connected to the gpu?
yes sure the mother board boot normal with pciexpress select on bios but no display
Is your screen blank now? The pic you posted shows display output working
the pic is form video onboard inside on the mother board
with gpu in pcie express my rx 550 in this case dont start video start boot but with no video
On windows 7 with standard drivers i Got error 10. device can be initializated,On gpuz showing wrong memories micron with 0 Mbytes GPU clock 0mhz and my memories are elpida like show on hiveos
If you dont get video output from the gpu in the bios or in windows id imagine your gpu is faulty/damaged
but strange are mining normally on hiveos that is crazy
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