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Msi Ventus 3x 3070 ti problem above MEM 1800

I have the model MSI ventus 3x 70ti Micron GDDR6X · · PL 100 W, 290 W, 290 W

when I set the MEM above 1850, the rig freezes and crashes! wtf WHYYY???

i must set core 900 and mem 1800to get 60,5mhs with 182w - temp 45° 80° fan80%

I also tried other overclocks on hiveos but whenever it goes above mem 1850, the rig freezes

Does anyone know Any bios for this Problem??

not all cards will OC the same. some cards with msi bios can be weird sometimes (artificially power limiting etc) so if you’re feeling risky you can try flashing another vendors bios, but its likely that’s just what its capable of.

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It´s very strange, I sell msi gpus here in Brazil, and all these “ventus 3x” models have sensitive memories for a higher overcloack (1800 MEM), there are 16 units.
There are some videos on youtube showing that msi Ventus 3x with the same bios doing the 63mhs with MEM from 2400 to 3200

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