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MSI GAMING X TRIO 3080 trouble with HiveOS

I have a MSI 3080 Trio, from 2021, was using it on windows since i bought it with PL=102%, it was my primary GPU sending video to the monitor and was mining at 96/97mh/s… i changed it to HiveOS some weeks ago and the mining efficiency got a drop to 89/90 (no matter what GPU/memory settings i was using)… yesterday i set HiveOS the PL to 350, after that i’m able to up the memory and get correspondent increase in hashrate. Right now it is mining at 99,23mh/s at 223w. No need to replace the Bios (i was always concerned about brick the card when try to replace the firmware)… I replaced the thermalpads and thermal paste 5 months ago (before i was getting high temps)
One advice: don’t push the memory too much higher than 2400mhz, it won’t be good for the card in the long run and won’t make much difference in profits…
I would like to thanks everyone that make this post alive!

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