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More shares in HiveOn Pool, with more rejected shares?


I have recently moved to Hiveon Pool, with 2 rigs, that never had any rejected share issues, and no stale shares. I have mined on Hiveon with no issues for 4 days, and suddenly something happened on 14th of August, where number of shares suddenly increased, but I keep getting 0.10-15% shares rejected every 24 hours. You can see it in the charts, the moment the number of shares increased, this issue started.

Nothing changed in the rigs, OC’s are not aggressive, and rejected shares are coming from nearly all cards, at very random.

I certainly do not believe this issue is related to my rig, but rather the pool changed something, but if anyone has any ideas to help I would be more than happy.

Thank you.

Most probably pool lowered difficulty

I have not ideia about what happened, but I have the same problem and I am working to try solve , If you have any news please let me know ok?

While we have not more informations I changed to etherminer pool, with 0 rejects in my rig.