MM.Hash is a hybrid switching miner, technically first of its kind- It allows users to switch between the most profitable algorithm, or the most profitable coin. I originally designed it to operate for Ubuntu, wanting to stand out from other script miners and sport a Unix version. Then HiveOS created custom miners, and I have changed the entire code to allow nearly a full integration/support for HiveOS.
This is not another regurgitated script miner. The first tell sign is the fact there is a Unix version. MM.Hash’s focus is to be fast/efficient, and with as little “lipstick” as possible to keep it that way. Using it you will quickly see the differences between MM.Hash and more conventional script miners such as Awesome Miner.
I do a lot of updates/changes, sometimes links change or events hit among popular pools. I also am constantly helping users setup MM.Hash/troubleshoot being its a new system. I do this all through Discord. This is the link to join below: