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Mining Stops Working after few minutes/hours?

Mining Stops at all after few minutes or sometimes adter few hours giving error as shown in attached photo. I have changed two hard drives and installed freshly downloaded copy of hiveOS on them. Whenever i install fresh copy of hive it works fine and works for hours. When it stops mining i reinstall hive fresh copy again. The same problem happen again and again. Please Help
Previously my PC was working fine when u was mining Ethereum.
But when Ethereum mining gone i switched my PC to flux and ETC and now i am mining AION.
PC specs are:
i7 8700K
Asus ROG Z390 Motherboard
8GB TridantZ Ram
128GB NVME SSD(for Hive)
Corsair HX1200i PSU
2 x Gigabyte Vision RTX 3070

Try another pool

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