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Mining bitcoin?

Is it worth it to try mining Bitcoin itself with HIVEOS and four GTX 1070 and two GTX 1080 Ti GPUs? I’m currently mining Ethereum classic right now but I’m wondering if it’s better to just mine ETC and exchange that for bitcoin through an exchange?

If it is good to mine BTC with the above rig, what mining pool and miner do you recommend?

BTC - don’t think so with all the ASICs around.

ETH / ETC - go mine Dagger on NiceHash and you will get paid in BTC.

Not quite sure for NVIDIA, but you can definitely find some other algos more profitable… Try X16R, Lyra2Rev2, Lyra2z, mazbe even Equihash

Funny topic at the end of 2018 :joy:
You late aprox. for 5-6 years

You can mine different algos on NiceHash, Zpool, Zergpool or rent rigs at MiningRigRentals service for example and recieve BTC

Doesn’t hurt to ask and try. Thanks again tho!