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Miner statistics showing 0 since last 2 hours but machines are mining

I have checked for multiple eth addresses the pool stats are showing zero hash rate while miners are working fine. Can someone confirm this

I have checked multiple wallets mining on Hiveon all show same stats where last hours with zero speed and no workers.

can someone confirm this or is HiveON working on this.
Please update ASAP if this is not sorted in another 30min will temperoraly switch pools

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Now i see this on the page.
Can you guys not give advance warning if you are planning to upgrade something.
I spent the last half hour figuring what has gone wrong. rebooted the machine only to find this on the page :rage:


Is the maintenance done? I’m not seeing any stats for my rigs mining to the ETH Hiveon pool yet the clients are running and appear fine.

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I also did not show statistics. Then it worked. Came from the sauna, statistics do not work again. And there are no messages about this.

It looks like stats are down right now. This happened back in Feb as well and they fixed it fairly quickly. All data was still being collected last time and no profit was lost. Hopefully that’s the case this time as well. Last time there was more info on their Discord channel, but I’m not on there so I don’t know.