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Low hastrate RTX 3070TI ZZZ. Please fix

Low hastrate rig sleep. Not working.

Did you find a cure for this ZZZzz low-hash rate notification? So frustrating to see. Ive read a few posts, and found no resolutions. Some blame the pool you are mining to. Some blame the GPU OC. Some blame the network speed or latency. I have no share errors.

My pools (2Miners ETC, 2Miners ETC, Icemining TOnCoin, ZergPool VRSC) all deliver the coins to my wallets properly too when this happens!!!

Frustrated with this, and Im trying to look away, but wished HiveOS did a better job at describing the cause of the error.

I will try lowering my watchdog hash rate values to monitor/restart the miner/rig, to see if that helps.

Could it have something to do with higher pool difficulties and older GPU’s?

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