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Low Hashrate after copying to NVME from USB

I’ve been running one of my three rigs on a USB stick because I was short an NVME. I digress but what is weird is that as soon as I did the DD command and transferred everything to the new NVME drive, everything transferred correctly according to the terminal. But when I ran the flight sheet it could not find TRM or Phoenix or XmRig.
It would give me the message “phoenixminer exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bit"
So I guess it found the miner but it wouldn’t function.

I removed all miners and reinstalled them via the terminal and that got it mining again. Now my problem is that while I was getting 32 or so MH on each of the six cards. I’m now getting 26. It has been a full day so I would assume its not an autotune issue but wondering why it gets higher hashrates on the USB stick vs the NVME?

the system itself seems way more stable with the NVMe as it would crash often and take about 3-5 minutes to boot. Now it boots up super quickly.

Any help would be appreciated.

Is there a way to reinstall the whole HiveOS from the terminal without copying a new image to the NVME?

Should I try and copy again from the USB Stick?

I also upgraded the software and now I just tried to plug in the old usb drive. It boots and runs but now I have the same problem.

check your BIos and see if you are running some weird setting on the drive detection … legacy or something like that.

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:thinking: Maybe it’s because of the NVMe uses PCIe lanes just like the graphic cards? :wink:

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I didn’t even think of that!

Maybe even a bios setting. I guess I should always check new hardware first. I just didn’t think of the NVME as being née hardware for some reason. :man_facepalming:t2:

I’ll take it out and see if that fixes it.


So the problem was a corrupted install of HiveOS on the NVME. reinstalled a fresh install and now it’s working.

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