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LHR Waves in ERGO? Get +25% Extra with lolMiner

We found some of the 3060/3060ti/3070 makes Waves in ERGO, some not and some yes. Why is not yet founded. So they don’t have a fix mining… We are not talking about the Up and Down for the Dataset.

We found that the result of this cards is around 85-90Mhs.

There is a configuration that will increase that Mhs in around 25% with lolMiner:

For the 3060 is:

Core 1185

Memory 1700

PL 150

That will give 101Mhs in lolMiner. For that LHR Card the best miner is lolMiner. We will show a comparative now

For the 3060TI/3070:

Core 750

Memory 1700

PL 150

That config will give 113Mhs with lolMiner nearly 4% extra than Nanominer with 108 Mhs

That will give 108 Mhs in Nanominer

Many thanks to Raül for the photos and the great test.