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LHR card, dual mining ERGO + ZIL with nanominer

I am mining ERGO on, and ZIL on on a 3060 LHR card.

To do this, you will need to set up two wallets

  1. ERGO wallet

  2. ETH + ZIL wallet

In your flight sheet, setup mining ERGO using nanominer, and you can select a 2nd coin - ZIL, using ETH+ZIL address, and then you can dual mine ZIL on ezil

Does it really more profitable than mining only Ergo?

I’m really really new on this, just got a 3070Ti and 3060, will give it a try once i build my rig, i appreciate a lot this information.

I use the same configuration, with Nanominer, except that it puts ZIL on all graphics cards to 0.

ETH + ZIL address ok, Nanominer configuration OK, I have 460.39 Nvidia drivers and the latest version of HiveOS, it doesn’t work :frowning:

how can i get this adress ,ETH+ZIL

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