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Latest nvidia driver reinstated lhr lock

Ive just updated to the latest 510.85 nvidia driver in hiveos and instantly it reinsated the nvidia lhr lock to my 3060 card. Tried several oc adjustments thinking it would help but it held steadily at 26mh which is awful. I have since rolled back to the 510.68 driver which i knew would work fine and it works perfectly again. (back up to 49mh) Just giving people a heads up in case you they already know.

Nvidia released a new driver (v510.85.02) which forces LHR cards to revert back to LHR status, meaning hashrates are capped again

πŸ“When updating drivers for LHR cards, nvidia-driver-update should be used with the -s or --stable switch, to ensure v510.73.05 is installed instead

β€” Hiveon (@hiveonofficial) August 9, 2022
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