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Lastest OS 0.6-217 and Lastest Nvidia 510.73.05 - no hash rate

Lastest OS 0.6-217 and Lastest Nvidia 510.73.05 - no hash rate

No luck with RTX 3080 with the latest OS and Nvidia drivers, with Gminer, HiveOS Pool

Miner error: gminer exited (exicode=0), waiting to cool down a bit.

I tried downgrade OS and drivers but no help. Any expert or have a similar situation, please share me some light. I’ve been struggling for hours now.

Is there a log for me to see what was my OS version or NVidia driver previously?

Thank you.

If you’re ever experiencing issues it’s usually easier and faster to flash the latest stable image to rule them out. Once you do, leave the driver version alone, no need to change that.

Also, don’t use core offsets on modern card. Only use locked core clocks, with the goal being to find the lowest locked core clock that maintains full hashrate. No need for power limits that way either.

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Thanks, Keaton. That works.

Stable OS and Nvidia 460.91.03 - hash rate but not as I Expected but at least I know it is working… I think I will need to tune

Latest stable image has 510.60.02. You’re still using core offsets as well, switch to locked core clocks as I said above. Also, set your fans to 100%, your cards are thermal throttling

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Thanks Keaton.

Now all of the sudden the 1 to 4 splitter GPU die on me, it was working for years. I changed new splitter same thing, it keeps saying driver failed but if i plug in two cards at the time directly, it works ( on my MOBO it has 2 pcie 16x). Any recommendations, suggestions or splitter? I updated my MOBO Bios to the latest already.

im not a fan of splitters as it add another variable for something to go wrong. you can get 8 card riserless motherboards for extremely cheap so that’s usually my recommendation. less variables the better.

Thanks Keaton.
What is the. MB you recommend?
I don’t want to spend $ because it is the end of the eth 2.0. I really don’t know what to mine after, people said, ERGO, Ethereum Classic, Ravencoin. What is the best wallet that has all that, Coinbase doesn’t have all the wallet.

I like the btcd37/s37. Cheap and just works. As for exchange that has all those coins you can use coinex, I’m not sure if a wallet that supports all of those in one

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Thanks Keaton. I never use coinex before, i’ll def will check it out. You’re awsome.

Just bought a new MB as per your recommendation Keaton, and will replace it sometime next week. It’s okay, I just have a few cards, not a big deal. What is the best OC setting for RTX 3080? There are lots of recommendations online but what is your take on it?

You should always start from scratch and find the highest stable memory clock, and then find the lowest locked core clock that maintains full hashrate.

If it’s not stable, reduce the mem clock and reboot until it is

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