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Invalid command argument. Available arguments: config, start, stop

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to send restart or stop command from Hiveon to my IceRiver KS3M ASIC miner but keep encountering an error message: “invalid command argument. Available arguments: config, start, stop.” I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Can anyone advise on what might be causing this and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance for your help!

You may need to reboot the asic first, on stock firmware they can run out of memory and then they have all kinds of issues until rebooted.


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ve rebooted all four of my KS3M ASIC miners, but unfortunately, the problem persists. Even after the reboot, when I try to send ‘restart’ or ‘stop’ commands, I still receive the same error message: “invalid command argument. Available arguments: config, start, stop.”

This issue is consistent across all four devices that i have. is there any other ideas on what might be causing this or additional troubleshooting steps I could try?

Thanks again for your help!

what version of asic hub are you on? if you havent already, try switching to the testing branch in the software update tab.

Hi agian ,

i was working on stable version: Build Number: 1111197911 ,i changed to test version Build Number: 1267894832 as you instructed and redo sending the command please refere to the attached results :