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Integrated graphics available for mining. Why?

Hi All, I have intergrated graphics available for miming. Tried find out the reason and how to fix it but no success. I guess intergrated rahic normally should be on the top of GPU list market as disabled marked in grey color. But my graphic is in the mainlist and everytime I add new GPU i have to go the setting of the miner and physically call for the exact GPU’s to be on work like -d 0,1,2,3,4 (for Teamredminer).
Anyone had same thing and have it solved somehow?
I wouldn’t say it’s very stressul for me but still would like to understand why it is like this and how to fix it. I tried to physically put exact number of GPU in the rig at configuration but nothing happens.

Did you disable integrated graphics in the bios? And That’s how it shows with apus.

No i didn’t and I don’t want to. I have second rig with graphics on in BIOS and it shows normally. This is not the reason why current rig shows like this I think so. HiveOS versions are the same on both rigs but that rig is Intel based with HD 400 graphics.

apus are different. disable the integrated vega graphics if you want it to not show like that.

Ok thanks. will try may be later on. rig is on work now so if there are no other options then fine will keep running like this as it’s not a real problem or issue :slight_smile:

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