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Increase Payout?


Wondering if it anyway to increas the payout threshold from 0.1 eth to 1 or 5 eth ? this is for local tax purposes, as it will be way less cost for accounting.

Not in hiveos… (is standard 0.1)

Why are they increasing it? It just doubled, so that kind of hurts smaller miners… can there be some grandfathering in there for us??

Is it correct that they changed the minimum payout amount from 0.1 to 0.2 ETH?

Yes they did b/c people don’t know how to move their crypto correctly. Punishes everyone but the huge mining operations and leaves it at risk in your Hive account IMO. Kinda pulling the rug out on some of us, at least for me it does.

What is MOST frustrating is, you toil SO hard to get to pay out and they move it away. So, you’ll wake up one day and they make it 10 or 20 ETH for payout, MANY of us will NEVER see that … so what is the incentive to stay on with this pool? I guess, weed out the little guys … OK, noice, welcome to the world I guess.

OBVIOUSLY, I posted these before the details were aware to me. I think MANY others felt the same way but, it’s not being held until threshold, it’s just a business decision by Hive to pay fees on larger transfers so that is fair. Appreciate your patience with people posting stuff like I did :stuck_out_tongue:

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