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IceRiver ks0 - lost connection with Asic-Hub after 1 day

KS0’s SSH is available on port 48699 under bgchris168 user, the password must be hacked via TCF connection.

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Ohh… great!
And what is the command to restart webapp service?
I will only later be able to access the asic network locally

Unfortunately, a parameterized startup is required, you cannot release it via a hiveshell connection, you need an ssh connection directly to ks0, then you can kill the process and start it again. If you start it without parameters, hivehub will not reach it. If you can access the machine via ssh and have the necessary knowledge, you can easily start it, if not, wait until my script is stable. If you need other information, don’t litter the forum, feel free to write here: [email protected]

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I will have ssh connection directly to ks0 from my linux miner… the both miner is same network but i cant access remotely.
Sounds like “systemctl restart …” command to restart service.