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How to plug 8 GPU on Asus Z390-P Motherboard?


My motherboard has 6 GPU slot but I use a PCI-e riser adapter to be able to connect 4 risers to 1 PCI-e slot.

In the beginning the MOBO was able to detecte only 4 GPU. I changed all the BIOS setting and now i can get 7 GPU connected but cannot go over 7.

I want to connect 8 Nvidia 3070. One by one all the GPU work, I changed the riser and switch to others pcie slot but no diffrence… 7 is the max.

Any idea to help ?

splitters are hit or miss, some cards work better than others with them. what pcie gen do you have set?

What do you mean by the spltters hit or miss ? I have set GEN 1

I fixed the problem. I just change order of my connection and it went good. Like magic…

1 month I tried to fix that and it does it by itself. Must be some bad cable or something not connect right.

I mean in some cases they work great, and in others they don’t. Certain cards don’t work well while others work every time.

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