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How to hive-replace from ext hdd?

I mounted ext hdd to /ext_hdd_setup_folder.
I downloaded latest image with hive-replace --download=/ext_hdd_setup_folder
I tried for hive-replace /ext_hdd_setup_folder/[email protected]
It gives this error.
I checked file path, it is correct

Ekran görüntüsü 2022-04-20 042427

you can always dd your install to the external hdd, then boot from it and run hive-replace

In this case, bios setting etc. will be needed?
I want to speed things up. This does not suit me because it is very difficult for me to connect a monitor…

I guess it is not possible to use the external hdd as the path for the installation file.

you dont need to connect a monitor. use shellinabox/hive shell.

bios settings will depend on the amount of cards, which motherboard etc.

I think there is a misunderstanding. I wrote my question in the topic title.

Can we write external hdd as file path for installation file only in hive-replace command?

I’m just asking this. Thanks.

( I will not do a fresh install.
Only when there is a problem in hiveos, I renew the system with this command. )

You are trying to use hive-replace without needing an internet connection, and instead pull the image from external storage.

I am not sure I have ever seen it used that way,

“Only when there is a problem in hiveos, I renew the system with this command”

I am not sure I would use hive-replace in the way. As I believe hive-replace will pull config from the previous image potentially porting the issue to the new image.

The only time I use hive-replace is when there is a kernel update, as I can clone and swap a drive before hive-replace is finished.

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