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How many GPU's can a Asus z490 motherboard handle?

I have some Pcie 1 to 4 splitters, I want to buy the AAAWave 12 card frame and use this motherboard for a card rig. Im wondering if I can use 3 x pcie splitters and run 12 cards 1660Ti’s off this board without issue.

The 1 to 4 adaptor I have is this

I manage to get 11 cards running perfectly with 1 splitter. But if i try to put 2 splitters to get 12 cards, it crash.

Any idea??

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Same problem! Have you fixed it?

When I try to add the 12th GPUS I get this error (GPU 1)

Same problem here! Have you fixed it?

Well, i managed finally to get 13 on. But its not fully stable, i got some miner reboots (about 1 a day) and in the worst case the rig goes offline. I didnt do nothing.

Do you use 2x pcie 1 to 4 splitter?

Yes, 2 of them.

Which cards have you plugged in? Do you use a specific BIOS setting?

Nvidia cards (3090, 3070, 3060ti, 2070, 1660ti and 1660super). I dont have any specific BIOS settings, just the typical settings.

Puede adjuntar fotos de las conexiones en la board y de su rig en hive os, gracias me interesa saber, configuración de la bios?

Yo usé este video como referencia.

[Parte 2] Como CREAR un RIG de Minería Ethereum 2021 - Minería de criptomonedas 2021 - YouTube

Comentar que tuve que poner una BIOS antigua, no la más moderna.

Just to clarify, the BIOS version im using is an old version, not the newest.


Im not sure atm, let me check when i can.

thanks, appreciate it

Podria adjuntar una foto de su motherboard para ver sus conexiones y si es posible de la version de bios, se puede ver en hive os porfavor, le agradecería mucho amigo

Install the ultimate version bios in your rig, disabled conection Lan in bios and conect USB Wifi, one more gpu with hack :sweat_smile:

1410 is the version

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