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How Hiveon Charge ? Should I create difference farm or put all the rig in same farm?


Again pretty new to Hiveon, anyone can tell me how the Hiveon charge?

Do Hiveon charge per on rig or charge on farm or workers?

Thank you,

Per rig/worker. Multiple farms should only really be used for organizing locations, you’ll still be charged the same amount if you created a new farm for each worker, it will just make paying the fees more of a pain since now you have to load funds to multiple farms instead of just one as well.

Well, you don’t need to fund the farms. It is enough to have enough balance on your account (Yor funds). If a farn balance is low, then funds from your account are used to pay for your farms.

As both Keaton and “givo” shared, charges will be the same and if you wisely fund your “Account Level Personal Wallet” vs. the farm level wallet(s), all the charges will be drawn down properly.

Note: I funded some of these at farm level via transfers, hence some small amount of funds are “stranded” :frowning: The funds are being drawn down appropriately from my top level account:

Image 3-17-22 at 2.22 PM

Thank you Keaton

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Thank you

Thank you.

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