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How do work with Hive Os?

Hi, i am a new inexperienced miner. Soon will my parts arrive but i still have few open questions. How to bring Hive Os on my Rig? Do i can boot my rig directly with Hive Os or do i need to boot Linux or Windows first and then just download hive OS? When i have to boot windows or linux first, what is better an which Linux version do i need? Best regards

You can go to

Set up your worker then it will give you a rig.conf file to download, you’ll use it after you create an image of hiveOS on a drive.

Toward the bottom you can download an image file of hiveOS.

Download the etcher and select a drive, it can be a flash drive. When it’s done, open it and add your rig.conf you downloaded too your hive drive.

I changed my bios settings to boot from the flashdrive if it’s in, if it isn’t, windows loads.
hiveOS will run right off the flashdrive.
Might want to use an m.2 drive though. I use a flash drive in case my wife needs the computer then I shut it down for her, she pulls out the flash and windows loads.

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