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HiveOS stop mining after few minutes

It’s been 2 days since this problem started. I have installed the new Hive OS latest but it didn’t work. Probpem remain same. Then today i downloaded the previous version of HiveOS and install it fresh again. But the in start mining start but after few time mining stops and few lines of errors shows on screen for miliseconds and then disappears. It’s happening in loop again and again.
I captured the error lines via slow motion video camera.
anyone please tell me about the solution of this problem.
PC specs are:
i7 8700K
Asus ROG Z390 Motherboard
8GB TridantZ Ram
128GB NVME SSD(for Hive)
Corsair HX1200i PSU
2 x Gigabyte Vision RTX 3070

Try a new drive/ssd with a fresh install of the latest stable

Luckily i have a new Sandisk SSD. I am installing the latest stable HiveOS in it. Let’s see is this solve the problem.

Changing the drive worked. But what is the reason?
That SSD show perfect health in Hard Disk Sentinel.

Could be a corrupted install or corrupted drive

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