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Hiveos not booting with 6700 xt


I recieved a new graphics card yesterday i wanted to add to my rigg.

I am curently running a mixed rigg with 3x 1080ti and 2x Radeon vii cards on a b250 motherboard, and they run just fine.

When i connected the 6700 rx card to The rigg i see the motherboard display the “press F2 or delete” to open bios settings on the screen but hole system freeze there. Can not press anny Buttons and if i diss connect the card everything works fine again. I even diss connected all other cards and tried ro run the rigg with only the 6700 but still didnt work.

Tried the card in my gaming pc and works fine there.

Why is not hiveos booting in my rigg with this specific card?
Anny sugestions on what i can do?

Did you ever figure this out? Having the same problem. Added 3 6700 xt to my rig and it freezes/ Hive won’t boot. Stuck at motherboard display just like you. Unplug the GPUs and it boots fine. Swapped cards and risers not the problem just when the 6700’s are plugged in. Running version 0.6-210@210921
Anybody able to help?

Ive got the same problem, any solution ? :slight_smile:

@SimonR191 I ended up reading something that you need to update the kernel version. Make sure you are using the newest mine shows as: 5.10.0-hiveos #60

So if you have an older version download the newest version of hive and update your drive. Once I did this everything has been running smooth since.

Good luck

Im on the last version, still having the same problem, RIP :\

I forgot there was one other thing that made the difference. I had to go into the motherboard bios before HiveOS booted and set some display setting or boot mode to “compatibility.” Let me see if I can find/ remember the setting and I will post it for you. Probably not the same motherboard as you, but likely have a similar setting.

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Awesome, thanks, im using a generic chinese B250B btc-pro on a 8 GPU open air frame rig from , I think that updating the bios could help but I just cant find a new bios for this mobo since its a no-name mining specific motherboard

**** Edit my motherboard is a B250 BTC 12P ***

I have B150. Instead of doing legacy I did compatibility. Check out this thread because this is what ultimately got me up and running.

Ill have a loook, but I ended completly switching card from My Nvidia Rig to AMD and it now work, but it has to have a fix because it seems like we’re not the only one :open_mouth: , on my end with the B250b 12P mining motherboard I had almost no option that could resolve the problem in the bios

you should turn on CSM in boot tab of your bios and then it passes mobo logo screen

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