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HiveOS Failing to Detect One GPU After Reboot


I am running HiveOS on my mining rig & after a reboot; one of my GPUs is not being detected. The rest of the GPUs show up and mine as expected, but this one remains missing from the system. Running lspci | grep VGA confirms that the GPU is not listed, but it was working fine before the reboot. :innocent:

I’ve tried reseating the GPU, swapping PCIe slots & checking risers and power connections, but the issue persists. Could this be a HiveOS driver issue, a PCIe lane initialization problem, or something related to the BIOS settings? :innocent: I’ve also checked dmesg logs but haven’t found anything conclusive. checked guide related to this and found it quite informative.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Would forcing a driver reinstall (hive-replace) or adjusting PCIe settings in the BIOS help? :thinking:

Thank you !! :slightly_smiling_face:

If it is not showing at all, it is unlikely you will fix it with any software/driver updates. Verify the card works and is able to drive a display output