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HiveOn Pool down?

Hey…you’re the one who wants to see the rig. Not me.

You want to see it?

Admit that you’re wrong and take full responsibility for it.

You can’t.

You’re not a man.

You’re a failure of a man-child.


How STUPID do you have to be to want something and then make demands on the person whom you are trying to get that something FROM?


And you still can’t fucking spell which is why you NEED to have autocorrect enabled.

Learn how to fucking spell WITHOUT using autocorrect, dumbass.

Mr 20 Megahash man. Show me your rig. Lmaooooo

You’re not worthy.


Common Mr 20 Megahash man. Show us what being a genius gets for us. Show us what being a moronic narcissist gets us in the real world. Let us see this amazing rig Mr 20 Megahash man. Yeah I bet. I ain’t worthy. But u took several hours to write 2,000 word essays showing the world how much of an idiot u are. But we aren’t worthy of seeing the 20 Megahash machine. :joy:

Learn how to fucking spell properly without using autocorrect.

Go ahead and change your avatar to the new 20 Megahash man Character. It suits u perfectly. Please use it.


How shallow must you be to bother with avatars?

What are you?



No, 12 is the number of Megahashes you provide to the pool with your dusty and cigarette smoke infested gaming PC. :joy::joy::joy:


Till u disprove the mustard yellow teeth and 20 Megahash machine, you’re taking “L’s”.


Says the person who can’t admit when they’ve CLEARLY and DEMONSTRABLY been proven wrong and can’t admit that they’re wrong, when they’re wrong, and take full responsibility for it.

Course, if you’re 12, that would explain so much as to why you would fail on so many levels as shown above.

Where’s the machine Mr 20 MEGAhash man? I’m waiting? U took several hours in the span of two days posting essays. But can’t show ur rig?


You will see it when you admit that you’re wrong and take fully responsibility for it, which you won’t, because you’re 12.

Where’s the machine MEGAhash man? Commonnnnn.


Let me show u just ONE rig of three with 16 3090s, maybe that’ll motivate you to show me your hashmachine.

Common MEGAhash man. Show us what your genius has accomplished for u. What being a megalomaniac and narcissist has gotten for u other than mustard yellow teeth and a 20MH/s gaming pc. This ONE rig costs more money than your pathetic life has EVER seen. I can guarantee this.

What makes you think that I care about your rig?

Only a man-child would think that.

The only thing that I care about is you admitting that you’re wrong.

You’re such a genius. Where are the accolades? Accomplishments? Do you have a degree? Profession? Career? Or just showing the world how genuinely stupid and narcissistic you are? Only a child cares about lifetime achievements huh? :joy:


“You’re such a genius. Where are the accolades? Accomplishments?”

Only a man-child would care about this shit.

The only thing that I care about is you admitting that you’re wrong.

I’m so stupid that even a stupid person was able to prove that you’re wrong.


Sure. Only a child cares about lifetime achievements. A TRUE WINNER compares ping times to servers half a world away and then writes several essays showing the world what a true moron he is. You’re a loser dude. I know words like “loser” get tossed around a lot over the internet, but I’ve never witnessed someone embody the genuine definition of a loser quite like u have. In that sense, u have accomplished something. Now, can u PLEASE show us this non JSON parsing machine of yours?!?


“You’re a loser dude. I know words like “loser” get tossed around a lot over the internet, but I’ve never witnessed someone embody the genuine definition of a loser quite like u have”
When can and are able to admit what you’re wrong, you can call me whatever you want.

Until then, the facts doesn’t change. You’re still wrong.

23 years of working in IT and you STILL can’t admit when you’re CLEARLY wrong. BWAHAHAHA…

You’re a joke.