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HiveOn Pool down?

i am checking day by day income in an xls file for the 2 identical rig , and the payout difference from the 2 pools was 10% , then after the issue busted at 13% , but after 2 days the income from hiveone was more and the average was back to 10% differences …
talking about numbers this is the example of ethermine/hiveon income
19-20th 0.007960/0.006160
20-21th 0.005050/0.004290
21-23th 0.013550/0.005020 !!! much less
23-24th 0.006300/0.012660 , they get back something
the number are got at different times of the days , do you can see some days more high , but the result is clear, there was weeks that ethermine was mining 10% more except from 21th to 24th august .

Was I supposed to read, or grade that essay? :joy::joy::joy:. Didn’t bother to read it. Have a good day.

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Interesting findings. Were u able to calculate the right Gwei for the payout transactions? After those fees do you think the payout will still be larger than HiveOn’s?

I didnt considering the payout fees cause i will payout with big amount , but just to give you an idea , for 0.1 eth payout and gwei <50 you will receive 0.099 , so is just 1% , much much less than 10% difference…
So from my point of view also the small miners can benefit from ethermine…

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“If I don’t write it, that’s my fault. If you don’t read it, it’s yours.”

Either way, it proves that your credentials are worthless, my reading comprehension is fine, and the data and the evidence in this data-driven, evidence-based discussion disproves your statement of “you won’t see a ping under 80ms”.

I did (see ping times under 80ms).

When presented with the data, rather than being like “huhhh…I guess you CAN see ping times under 80ms” and then you start deep-diving why YOU aren’t seeing what I am seeing, you, instead, would rather blame others rather than to take responsibility for your own statements.

Therefore; in 23 years of you working in IT, it is clear and evident that in 23 years of practice, you have still FAILED to sufficiently develop, professionally whereby you take responsibility for your own shit instead of blaming other when you have been CLEARLY proven that what you said is not supposed by data/evidence.

Your credentials are worthless and only a con man leans on them as if they’re actually supposed to mean something.

You claimed that I think that I am smart (despite the fact that I have NEVER made such a statement).

The ONLY difference between me and you is that I read shit, and you don’t. That doesn’t make me smart. That only means just that - I read, and you don’t.

If that’s what you think it takes to be smart, then I guess, according to you - yeah someone who reads would be smarter than someone who doesn’t bother to read.

This is the difference between me and you.

This moron is still here writing essays?!? Somebody get this megalomaniac some help. :joy::joy::joy:

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I had moved to Sparkpool. Gonna look into ethermine and compare to where I’m at now.

BWAHAHAHA…says the incompetent failure.

Says the moron comparing “data”, as he so eloquently put it, that he’s compiled from two pings and comparing to someone who lives on the other side of the planet. Do you even know how DNS works? Can u define DNS without Googling like u did yesterday? Let’s think about this folks: this guy just spent countless hours writing two/three essays on how his “Data” proves me wrong. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: “Data”, which consists of DNS response times on two different sides of the globe!!! I can’t. He’s just too adorable. Not only that, but he’s refuting the at least dozen others with the same findings as me. But wait, there’s more: he’s refuting findings me and at least 10-12 others had from 2-3 days ago!!! Lol :joy::joy: Dude, you’re a classic loser. Just go away. No one is reading your essays. You’re here seeking help cause your rig, which most likely consists of a 20MH/s gaming rig which undoubtedly resides in your mom’s basement, can’t parse a JSON file. :joy:. How cute! The rest of us are here discussing server issues out of our control. Seek help. Seek help for your JSON issues and your megalomania. If you’re the “Alpha” from your group, it’s a sad state of affairs in that group/association. The ONLY thing Alpha about you is your level of stupidity. And it’s on display for all to see.

“Do you even know how DNS works?”
Yes…keep asking stupid questions to prove your incompetence.

You seriously think that domain name resolution which retrieves IP (mostly IPv4) addresses for alphanumeric addresses affects the time that it takes for an IP data packet to be transmitted from one IP(v4) source to an IP(v4) destination - you’re putting on a spectacular display of your incompetence if you SERIOUSLY think that the retrieval of addresses is the reason why your IP data packet can take upto 5 TIMES LONGER for it to traverse the network to get to its destination.

That’s really, really stupid if that’s what you think is the source.

You can time how long the name resolution process actually takes (shown below).

“Can u define DNS without Googling like u did yesterday?”
This only further proves your incompetence.

Really? Your approach to this is “This is my life, so I know more than this other person, and therefore; I know shit?”

Notice, NOTHING that you have written provides ANY sort of a response that answers the following exchange:

You: “You won’t see a ping time under 80ms”

Me: tests what you just said

Me: Ping time shows an average of 20 ms and a minimum of 16 ms. I thought you said “you won’t see a ping time under 80ms.” Then how do you explain the fact that my ping times are under 80ms?

You: Talks about everything else BUT…

Congratualtions! You’re smarter.

And an idiot is able to prove you wrong.

And your incompetence is out on full and public that you have FAILED to provide an explanation as in regards to your statement and the fact that I am seeing ping times under 80ms.

NOTHING you have said answers or addresses the ACTUAL data.

The data, combined with your inability to explain why I am seeing what you said I won’t see, demonstrates your incompetence.

Another essay no one will read. Wow, do u have a job? Anything better to do? Go away loser. Poor guy I never witnessed anyone using Google to keep proving how much of an idiot he is.

Look how cute. He’s Googling more “Data” and putting another moronic essay together. What a cutie-pie.

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“Let’s think about this folks: this guy just spent countless hours writing two/three essays on how his “Data” proves me wrong.”

You: “You won’t see a ping time under 80 ms.”


mic drop

Me: According to you, I shouldn’t be able to see ping times under 80 ms. How do you explain my ping times that are under 80 ms?

You: talks a lot of shit and does EVERYTHING else EXCEPT to actually answer the fucking question

And IT is your day job? Quit now whilst you’re still ahead cuz you clearly SUCK at your job.


Look folks. He did a MIC DROP with two PINGS to servers from the other side of the globe!!! That’s it dude!!! You won!! I’m defeated. What was I thinking. Moron. Lmaooo I sincerely hope your 20MH/s gaming PC can parse a JSON file now. :joy:

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You’re still wrong re: your statement “you won’t see a ping time under 80ms”.

Drop the mic dude. You’re a fucking genius dude. Why didn’t I travel to Europe to test the ping times there?? You’re right!!! This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to travel back in time 3 days to Europe, set my rigs to use the Europe servers and then totally agree with you. Is that ok? Will that appease your megalomania? Moron.

“Will that appease your megalomania? Moron”
Funny that you still can’t admit that you’re wrong.

That’s it. You won. Listen everyone on this thread, Mr Aplha is a network specialist and I was soooooooooooo dumb to question his “DATA” (Two Pings to hiveon servers from Europe) when he’s obviously an authority in networking. How silly of me to question why my Data (Pings from 2-3 days ago from the United States Servers) didn’t match his. This guys is a fucking genius. He’s obviously an authority and deserves to have answers as to why his rig can’t parse a JSON file. Can you guys PLEASE help this genius figure out why his 20MH/s gaming PC can’t parse a JSON file so that he can go on his merry way. We obviously don’t deserve his genius presence here.

Funny that you still can’t admit that you’re wrong and take responsibility for it.


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